Aaron McPolin Collective
On Thursday, special media guests and bloggers were invited to "Art Meets Fashion", a night celebrating local artists. Held at Aaron McPolin Collective in Claremont, we were treated to wine, cheese and a live fashion shoot! The shoot was captured by the talented fashion and beauty photographer Aaron McPolin and the incredible outfits were from Leederville boutique Atlas Divine. It's amazing to see an artist in action. Aaron set up each shot meticulously, giving the models clear direction, putting them at ease so they could let their personalities shine through. As soon as the shot was taken, the image popped up on the screen beside the set. Each one was perfect, no need for touch ups, they were ready for a fashion magazine. I guess it's all in the photographer's eye and vision.
The night featured artworks by Aaron McPolin, fashion illustrator Mekel, surrealist painter Liam Dee, artist and illustrator Hayley Welsh, Kim Berry, Kelly Flemming, Kroddo, Breanna Vos and Marijke Loosjes.
The evening was great, with the live shoot setting it apart from other events and being able to speak to the local artists over wine and cheese was wonderful.

Myself and fellow blogger and friend Emily from Vintage Chic.
Lei xx