Audrey Hepburn's 85th Birthday
Today Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston would have turned 85. She passed away 21 years ago, on January 20, 1993 at 8pm, at the young age of 63 from a rare type of cancer.
Thank you to all of you who have kept her ‘story’ alive. In the end this is who & what she was… a great storyteller. Whether on the silver screen or on a UNICEF podium fighting for the survival of millions or wearing the iconic ‘little back dress’ or smiling at you from a poster on your cupboard door… her story of feelings and emotions, style and grace, elegance and compassion lives on thanks to your affection.Sean Hepburn Ferrer
Audrey is the feature on Google Doodles in honour of her life. Here is more from the artist who created Audrey's Doodles.
About the creative: Jennifer Hom
"Finding the right solution for someone as timeless as Audrey proved a tricky task. Not only was she a classically beautiful actress, she also dedicated her life to philanthropy. I wanted to show both sides of her life's work.
It was easy to find inspiration for her portrait in Yousuf Karsh's photograph from 1956, used with permission from the estate of Yousuf Karsh. The black and white image is graceful and understated yet immediately recognisable. Taking cues from Audrey's movie posters and work with charities, I added a graphic splash of pink and figures of her dancing with and embracing children.
Moreover, as a style icon, Audrey inspired many exploration sketches from several members of the doodle team. Below are some of my early concepts and versions of Audrey amongst the doodlers."
- Jennifer Hom

Source: Google Doodles
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